Monday Sep 19, 2022
Today's Prayer Meditation is on Jeremiah 23
You gathered together the remnant of your flock from other nations. You brought me back to your sheepfold, my home pasture. You have made me fruitful, and have brought me increase. You have appointed responsible shepherds, Father; ministers of your word to instruct and equip me. I have nothing to fear. You care so much for your people, that you don't want even a single one to be lost or missing. You leave the 99 to bring back the one.
You raised up a righteous descendant from King David's line. Your very own son. He rules with wisdom and does what is just and right. The Lord is my Righteousness. I have been saved and I live in safety.
Father, the earth has an abundance of the false prophets. The land is full of adultery and it lies under a curse. The land itself is in mourning. The people do evil and abuse the power they have.
Even the priests and prophets are ungodly, wicked men. But the paths they take are slippery. They will be chased through the dark and there they will fall. Disaster will come upon them, as it does for all who forsake your ways.
I do not listen to these prophets when they prophesy to me, attempting to fill me with their empty words and futile hopes. They are making up everything they say. They do not speak for you, Father. They tell people they will suffer no consequences for their behavior that goes against your word. They say no harm will come their way.
But they haven't been in your presence, Father, to hear what you are really saying. They don't even care enough to listen.
You have not sent these prophets, even though they claim to speak for you. You have given them no message, yet they go on prophesying.
I know they have not stood before you and listened to you, or they would speak your words. They would turn people from their evil ways and deeds.
Father, you are a God close at hand and a God of the farthest reaches at the same time. No one can hide from you. You see what happens in secret. You are everywhere in all the heavens and earth.
How long, Father, will they tell lies in your name? How long will this go on? If they are prophets, they are prophets of deceit, inventing everything they say.
But while these false prophets tell their dreams, I will faithfully proclaim your every word with unshakable faith. There is a difference between straw and grain. Your words burn like fire. They are like a mighty hammer that smashes a rock to pieces.
Whenever someone says they have a prophecy from you, Father, my guard will go up. Many are those who use that phrase only to give authority to their own ideas. In truth, they are turning your words upside down, twisting them to fit their own philosophy. But you will make them an object of ridicule, and their names will be infamous throughout the ages.
You are my God, the living God, the God of Angel Armies. I will judge every word I hear against your word. Only what lines up with what you have said, Father, will I take to heart.
So be it.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
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