Meditating The Word
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Episode 19: Philippians 4
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Today's meditation is based on Philippians 4 from the Passion Translation
I am cheerful with joyous celebration in every season of life. I let joy overflow. Gentleness can be seen in all my relationships. I am not pulled in different directions, nor do I worry about anything. I am saturated in prayer throughout each day, offering my faith filled requests before God with overflowing gratitude.
I tell him every detail of my life, and God's wonderful peace that transcends human understanding, makes the answers known to me through Jesus Christ. I keep my thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. And I fasten my thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising him always.
I have learned to be satisfied in any circumstance. I know what it means to lack, and I know what it means to experience overwhelming abundance. For I'm trained in the secret of overcoming all things, whether in fullness or hunger.
The strength of Christ's explosive power infuses me to overcome every difficulty. I now have all that I need... more than enough. I am abundantly satisfied. I'm convinced that my God will fully satisfy every need I have, for I have seen the abundant riches of glory revealed to me through the Anointed One, Jesus Christ. And God my Father will receive all the glory and the honor throughout the eternity of eternities. I overflow with the grace and favor of my Lord, Jesus Christ.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing
The Tao of NothingnessMusicManApp
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Episode 18: Philippians 3
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Today's meditation is based on Philippians 3 from the Passion Translation
I never limit my joy, or fail to rejoice in the wonderful experience of knowing my Lord, Jesus Christ. I am heart circumcised and worship God in the power and freedom of the Holy Spirit, not in laws and religious duties.
I boast in what Jesus Christ has done, and not what I can accomplish in my own strength. All of the accomplishments, I once took credit for, I have now forsaken and regard them all as nothing compared to the delight of experiencing Jesus Christ as my Lord. To truly know Him, means letting go of everything from my past and throwing all my boasting on the garbage heap. It's all like a pile of manure to me now, so that I may be enriched in the reality of knowing Jesus Christ and embrace Him as Lord in all of his greatness.
My passion is to be consumed with him and not clinging to my own righteousness, based on keeping the written law. My righteousness will be based on the faithfulness of Jesus Christ, the very righteousness that comes from God.
I continually long to know the wonders of Jesus more fully, and to experience the overflowing power of his resurrection working in me. I haven't yet acquired the absolute fullness that I'm pursuing, but I run with passion into his abundance, so that I may reach the purpose that Jesus Christ has called me to fulfill and wants me to discover.
I don't depend on my own strength to accomplish this. However, I do have one compelling force, I forget all of the past, as I fasten my heart to the future. I run straight for the divine invitation of reaching the heavenly goal, and gaining the victory prize, through the anointing of Jesus.
I cling tightly to my life giver, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform my humble body and transfigure me into the identical likeness of his glorified body, through his matchless power.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
Planetary Presence
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Episode 17: Philippians 2
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Today's meditation is based on Philippians 2 from the Passion Translation
Look how much encouragement I've found in my relationship with the Anointed One! I am filled to overflowing with his comforting love.
I have experienced a deepening friendship with the Holy Spirit, and have felt his tender affection and mercy.
I am free from pride-filled opinions. I don't allow self-promotion to hide in my heart. But in authentic humility, I put others first, and view others as more important than myself.
I abandon every display of selfishness. I possess a greater concern for what matters to others instead of my own interests, and consider the example that Jesus the Anointed One, has set before me. His mindset has become my motivation.
I continue to make this new life fully manifested as I live in holy awe of God, which brings me trembling into His presence.
God continually revitalizes me implanting within me the passion to do what pleases Him. I live a cheerful life without complaining or division. I am seen as an innocent, faultless and pure Child of God, even though I live in the midst of a brutal and perverse culture. I appear among them as a shining light in the universe, offering words of eternal life.
No matter what happens, I rejoice in ecstatic celebration.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
Beautiful Beginnings by Global Genius
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Episode 16: Philippians 1
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Today's meditation is based on Philippians 1, from the Passion Translation
The blessings of divine grace and supernatural peace that flow from God, my wonderful Father, and my Messiah Christ Jesus, are upon my life. I'm fully convinced that the one who began this glorious work in me will faithfully continue the process of maturing me and he'll put his finishing touches to it, until the unveiling of my Lord Jesus Christ.
My love continues to grow and increase within me without measure, bringing me into rich revelation of spiritual insight in all things. This enables me to choose the most excellent way of all, becoming pure and without offense, until the unveiling of Christ.
I am filled completely with the fruits of righteousness, that are found in Jesus the Anointed One, bringing great praise and glory to God.
No matter what, I will continue to hope and passionately cling to Christ, so that he will be openly revealed through me before everyone's eyes, so I will not be ashamed.
In my life, or in my death, Christ will be magnified in me. My true life is the Anointed One, and dying means getting more of him. I live my life based on the reality of the gospel of Christ, which reveals him to others.
Whatever happens, I will never be shaken or intimidated by any opposition that rises up against me. I have found a new life.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing
New Beginnings, Dhruv GoelMusicManApp
Monday Oct 25, 2021
Episode 15: Colossians 3
Monday Oct 25, 2021
Monday Oct 25, 2021
Today's meditation is based on Colossian 3 from The Passion Translation
Christ's resurrection is my resurrection, too. This is why I yearn for all that is above for that's where Christ sits enthroned at the place of all power, honor, and authority. I feast on all the treasures of the heavenly realm, and fill my thoughts with heavenly realities and not with the distractions of the natural realm.
My crucifixion with Christ has severed the ties to this life, and as Christ Himself is seen for who He really is, who I really am will also be revealed. For I am now one with Him in His glory. I live as one who has died to every form of sin and impurity. I live as one who has died to diseases and desires for forbidden things and to greed, which is the essence of idol worship. I eliminate from my life once and for all, anger, fits of rage, all forms of hatred, cursing, filthy speech, and lying. I lay aside my old self with its masquerade and disguise.
I have acquired new creation life, which is continually being renewed into the likeness of the One who created me, giving me the full revelation of God. In this new creation life. My nationality, ethnicity, education, and economic status don't matter. They mean nothing, because it is Christ living in me, that means everything.
I am always dearly loved by God. So I robe myself with the virtue of God. Since I have been divinely chosen to be holy. I am merciful, as I endeavor to understand others, and am compassionate, showing kindness toward all. I am gentle and humble and unoffendable in my patience with others. I tolerate their weakness and forgive, in the same way, I have been graciously forgiven by Jesus Christ.
If I find fault with someone, I release the same gift of forgiveness to them. For love is supreme, and must flow through all these virtues. Love becomes the mark of my true maturity. My heart is always guided by the peace of the Anointed One, who called me to peace, as part of his one body.
I am always thankful. I let the word of Christ live in me richly, flooding me with all wisdom. Holy Spirit gives me spontaneous prophetic songs that I sing to God with all my heart.
Every activity of my life, and every word that comes from my lips, is drenched with the beauty of our Lord Jesus the anointed one. I bring my constant praise to God the Father because of what Christ has done for me. I am faithful in all things as I live my life with a pure heart in the constant awe and wonder of our Lord God.
I put my heart and soul into every activity I do, as though I am doing it for the Lord himself and not merely for others. I know that I will receive a reward and inheritance from the Lord, as I serve Yahweh, the anointed one. I know that God doesn't pay attention to titles or prestige. I will be repaid for what I have learned, and followed as a faithful disciple of Christ.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing
Museum by Scott DugdaleMusicManApp
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Episode 14: Colossians 2
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Today's meditation is based on Colossians 2, from the Passion Translation
My heart is wrapped in the comfort of heaven, and woven together into love's fabric. This gives me access to all the riches of God, as I experience the revelation of God's great mystery, Christ. My spiritual wealth is in him, like hidden treasure, waiting to be discovered. Heaven's wisdom and endless riches of revelation knowledge.
I am disciplined and deeply committed, because I have a solid faith in Christ, the Anointed One. By faith, I continue my journey of faith, progressing further into my union with Him. My spiritual roots go deeply into his life, as I am continually infused with strength and encouraged in every way. For I am established in the faith I have absorbed, and I am enriched by my devotion to Him.
Jesus is the complete fullness of deity, living in human form, and my own completeness is now found in him. I am completely filled with God, as Christ's fullness overflows within me through my union with Him. I have experienced circumcision of the heart, all the guilt and power of sin has been cut away, and is now extinct because of what Christ, the Anointed One, accomplished for me.
I am forever alive and forgiven of all my sins. He canceled out every legal violation, I had on my record, and the old arrest warrant that stood to indict me, he erased it all... my sins, my stained soul. He deleted it all, and they cannot be retrieved. By the power of the cross, everything I once was was nailed and permanently canceled.
No one can disqualify me from my prize. I have died to the religious system and powers of this world. They are worthless to help me spiritually. I receive everything directly from Jesus and his life supplies vitality into every part of me. He guides me to grow by the supernatural power of God.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Episode 13: Colossians 1
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Today's meditation is based on Colossians 1 from the Passion Translation
My heart overflows with thanksgiving to Father God. My faith and love rise within me as I access all the treasures of my inheritance stored up in the heavenly realm.
I receive the perfect knowledge of God's pleasure over my life, making me a reservoir of every kind of wisdom and spiritual understanding. I walk in the true ways of righteousness, pleasing God in every good thing I do. I am a fruit bearing branch, yielding to his life and maturing in the rich experience of knowing God, in His fullness.
I am energized with all his explosive power from the realm of his magnificent glory, filling me with great hope. My heart soars with joyful gratitude, when I think of how God made me worthy to receive that glorious inheritance freely given to me by living in the light.
He has completely rescued me from the tyrannical rule of darkness, and has translated me into the Kingdom realm of His beloved Son. For in him all my sins are canceled, and I have the release of redemption through his very blood.
Even though I was once distant from him, living in the shadows of my evil thoughts and actions, he reconnected me back to himself. He released his supernatural peace to me through the sacrifice of His own body, as the sin payment on my behalf, so that I would dwell in His presence. Now there is nothing between me and Father God, for he sees me as holy, flawless and restored.
I continue to advance in faith, assured of a firm foundation to grow upon never shaken from the hope of the gospel I believe in. There was a divine mystery, a secret surprise that was concealed from the world for generations, but is now being revealed unfolded and manifested for me to experience. Living within me is the Christ who floods me with the expectation of glory. This mystery of Christ embedded within me, has become a heavenly treasure chest of hope filled with the riches of glory for me as a child of God.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Episode 12: Ephesians 5
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Today's meditation is based on Ephesians 5 from the Passion Translation I imitate God in everything I do, representing him as his loving daughter. I continue to walk surrendered to the extravagant love of Christ, for he surrendered his life as a sacrifice for me.
I guard my speech, forsaking all obscenities and worthless insults. They are nonsense that bring disgrace, and are unnecessary. Instead, I let worship fill my heart and spill out in my words.
Once my life was full of sin's darkness, but now I have the very light of Jesus shining through me because of my union with Him. My mission is to live as a child of God, flooded with his revelation light, and the supernatural fruits of his light are seen in me: goodness, righteousness and truth.
I choose what is beautiful to my Lord. I am very careful how I live, and live honorably with true wisdom. I take full advantage of every day, as I spend my life for His purposes. I have discernment to fully understand God's will.
I am filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. My heart overflows with a joyful song to the Lord Jehovah. I speak words of Scripture, singing the Psalms with praises and spontaneous songs, given by the Spirit.
I always give thanks to Father God, for every person he brings into my life, in the name of Jesus.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: PE24TKTJIDPF0S4K
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Episode 11: Ephesians 4
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Today's meditation is based on Ephesians 4, the Passion Translation
I walk holy, in a way that is suitable to my high rank and divine calling with tender humility and quiet patience. I always demonstrate gentleness and generous love, especially toward those who try my patience. I am faithful to guard the sweet harmony of the Holy Spirit in the bonds of peace.
God is the perfect Father who leads me, works through me, and lives in me. And he has generously given me supernatural grace, according to the size of the gift of Christ.
I'm not easily shaken by trouble nor led astray by novel teachings, or by the false doctrines of deceivers who teach clever lies. Instead, I remain strong and always sincere in my love, as I express the truth. I am made new by every revelation that's been given to me--transformed as I embrace the glorious Christ within as my new life and live in union with Him.
God has re-created me all over again in his perfect righteousness, and I now belong to Him in the realm of true holiness. I discard every form of dishonesty and lie. And I'm known as one who always speaks the truth.
I don't let the passions of my emotions lead me to sin. I don't let anger control me or be fuel for revenge. Not even for a day. I don't give the slanderous accuser, the devil, an opportunity to manipulate me.
I am industrious and earn an honest living. And I have enough to bless those in need.
I never let ugly or hateful words come from my mouth. Instead, my words are beautiful gifts that encourage others. I speak words of grace to help others.
The Holy Spirit of God has sealed me in Jesus Christ until I experience my full salvation. I never grieve Him or take for granted his holy influence in my life.
I lay aside bitter words, temper tantrums, revenge, profanity and insults. Instead, I am kind, and affectionate toward others. God has graciously forgiven me, so I graciously forgive others in the depths of Christ's love.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: VJWCF2IFFJ8ALCQ4
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Episode 10: Ephesians 3
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Today's meditation is based on Ephesians 3, the Passion Translation God has unveiled within me the unlimited riches of his glory and favor. Supernatural strength floods my innermost being with his divine might and explosive power.
By constantly using my faith, the life of Christ is released, deep inside me, and the resting place of His love has become the very source and root of my life. I am empowered to discover what every holy one experiences using the great magnitude of the astonishing love of Christ in all its dimensions.
How deeply intimate and far reaching is his love, how enduring and inclusive. It is endless love beyond measurement that transcends my understanding. This extravagant love pours into me until I'm filled to overflowing with the fullness of God.
I will never doubt God's mighty power to work in me and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than my greatest request, more than my most unbelievable dream, and exceed my wildest imagination.
He will outdo them all for his miraculous power constantly energizes me.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: G734DSJMUJR8RBZ7