Meditating The Word
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Episode 29: 2nd Timothy 4
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Today's meditation is based on 2nd Timothy 4 from the Passion Translation
I proclaim the Word of God and stand upon it no matter what! I rise to the occasion and preach the good news of the gospel when it is convenient and when it is not, in the full expression of the Holy Spirit—with wisdom and patience.
I listen and respond to the healing words of truth, seeking out teachers of the uncompromised Word of God, rather than those with soothing words that line up with the desires of the flesh, saying just what people want to hear. I open my ears to the truth and refuse to believe in fables and myths. I am alert to all these things and overcome every form of evil. I carry in my heart the passion of my calling, and fulfill my God-given purpose.
I fight an excellent fight so that I can finish my full course with all my might. I keep my heart full of faith. I know that there is a crown of righteousness waiting in heaven for me, and I know that my Lord will reward me on his day of righteous judgment. This crown waits for all who love and long for his unveiling.
The Lord himself stands with me even if others abandon me. He empowers me and delivers me from the mouth of the lion. He will continue to deliver me from every form of evil and give me life in his heavenly kingdom. May all the glory go to him alone for all the ages of eternity!
The Lord lives within my spirit and his grace overflows to me.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
HeartstringsMusicMan App
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Episode 28: 2nd Timothy 3
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Today's Meditation is based on 2 Timothy 3, from the Passion Translation
In these final days the culture of society will become extremely fierce. People will be self-centered lovers of themselves and obsessed with money. They will boast of great things as they strut around in their arrogant pride and mock all that is right. They will ignore their own families. They will be ungrateful and ungodly.
They will become addicted to hateful and malicious slander. Slaves to their desires, they will be ferocious, belligerent haters of what is good and right. With brutal treachery, they will act without restraint, bigoted and wrapped in clouds of their conceit. They will find their delight in the pleasures of this world more than the pleasures of loving God.
They may pretend to have a respect for God, but in reality they want nothing to do with God’s power. I stay away from people like these! They are the ones who worm their way into the hearts of the vulnerable. They are always learning but never discover the revelation-knowledge of truth.
Instead, I love others and know that through Christ Jesus, I have more than enough. I do not boast in myself, but only in him who makes all things possible. I cherish and value my family, and take care of them. I am truly grateful for all of my blessings. I love what is good and right. I act with restraint and humility. I find delight in the pleasures of loving God.
I closely follow the example and the truth of the godly men and women who have gone before me. I model my life after the love and endurance they demonstrated by not giving up. The faith they had, I now have. What they hungered for in life has now become my longing as well. The patience they had with others, I now demonstrate. And I know that any hardships I have endured, they also endured the same difficulties. Yet the Lord has delivered me from every single one of them. I choose to live a godly life worshiping Jesus.
I continue to advance in strength with the truth wrapped around my heart, being assured by God that he’s the One who has truly taught me all these things.
I remember what I have been taught from my childhood from the Holy Scriptures which impart to me the wisdom to experience everlasting life through the faith of Jesus, the Anointed One. God has transmitted his very substance into every Scripture, for it is God-breathed. It will empower me by its instruction and correction, giving me the strength to take the right direction and lead me deeper into the path of godliness. Then I will be God’s servant, fully mature and perfectly prepared to fulfill any assignment God gives me.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: DI8BNZDDBZPHFFRD
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
Episode 27: 2nd Timothy 2
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
I live my life empowered by God’s free-flowing grace, which is my true strength, found in the anointing of Jesus and my union with him.
I overcome every form of evil as a victorious soldier of Jesus the Anointed One. As a soldier called to active duty, I have divorced myself from the distractions of this world so that I may fully satisfy the one who chose me.
Just as an athlete who doesn’t play by the rules will never receive the trophy, I choose to remain faithful to God.
I carefully consider all that I’ve been taught, and the Lord inspires me with wisdom and revelation in everything I say and do. I make Jesus, the Anointed One, my focus in life and in the work that I do. Jesus came to the earth, was crucified for my sins, and rose from the dead. But the word of God can never be chained. Any hardship I endure is for the glory of Christ Jesus. I have discovered the overcoming life in him and experience a glory that lasts forever!
I know that just as I was joined with him in his death, I am joined with him in his life. If I am joined with him in his sufferings, I will reign together with him in his triumph. I do not disregard him. And even when I am faithless, he is still full of faith, for he never wavers in his faithfulness to me.
I am committed to share the gospel with others. I do not allow myself to be drawn into meaningless arguments, or tear others down with useless words that only harm.
I am always eager to present myself before God, perfect and mature, without shame, as one who correctly shares the Word of Truth.
I avoid empty chatter and worthless words, knowing that they simply add to the irreverence of those who converse in that manner. I know that the Lord God recognizes me as truly his. I forsake wickedness and worship the name of the Lord Jesus.
I do not disgrace my life or my purpose, but remain a pure container of Christ, dedicated to the honorable purposes of my Master, prepared for every good work that he gives me to do.
I run as fast as I can from all ambitions and lusts; and chase after all that is pure. My holy pursuit is after whatever builds up my faith and deepens my love. And I live in peace with all those who worship Jesus with pure hearts.
I stay away from all the foolish arguments of the immature. I know these disputes will only generate more conflict. As a true servant of the Lord Jesus, I am not argumentative but gentle toward all and skilled in helping others see the truth, having great patience toward the immature. With meekness I am able to carefully enlighten those who argue against the Word so they can see God’s gracious gift of repentance and be brought to the truth, so they can rediscover themselves and escape from the snare of the enemy and his purposes.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
MuseumScott Dugdale
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Episode 26: 2nd Timothy 1
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Today's Meditation is from 2nd Timothy 1, from the Passion Translation
I pray for and receive a greater release of God’s grace, love, and total well-being flowing into my life from my Father God and my Lord Jesus Christ.
I have been called to serve God with a clean conscience. I offer prayers night and day, constantly for my fellow believers, building a memorial for them with my prayers. I am filled with joy as I think of the strong faith that has been passed down from generation to generation, and follow in the footsteps of the godly examples that have gone before me.
I fan into a flame and rekindle the fire of the spiritual gift God imparted to me. I know that I have not been given the spirit of fear, but the Holy Spirit gives me mighty power, love, and self-control. I am never ashamed of the testimony of Jesus, nor embarrassed over the persecution of the saints. I overcome every evil by the revelation of the power of God. He gave me resurrection life and drew me to himself by his holy calling on my life -- not because of any good I have done, but by his divine pleasure and marvelous grace that confirmed my union with Jesus, the Anointed One, even before time began. This truth was unveiled by the revelation of Jesus Christ, my life-giver, who has dismantled death, obliterating all its effects on my life. He has manifested his immortal life in me by the gospel.
Jesus has anointed me as his preacher of the good news of the gospel. The confidence of my calling enables me to overcome every difficulty without shame. I have an intimate revelation of God and my faith in him convinces me that he is more than able to keep all that I’ve placed in his hands safe and secure until the fullness of his appearing.
The healing words of scripture live in me, and I make them the model for life as my faith and love for Jesus grows even more. I guard well this incomparable treasure by the Spirit of Holiness living within me.
My Lord Jesus bestows compassion and mercy upon me and my household. I have been given abundant mercy.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: MQINPJV8OYVTEZU1
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Episode 25: Galatians 6
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Today's meditation is based on Galations 6 from the Passion Translation
If I see a believer who is overtaken with a fault, I seek to restore him in the Spirit of gentleness. I keep watch over my own heart so that I won’t be tempted to exalt myself over him. Love empowers me to fulfill the law of the Anointed One as I help others to carry their troubles. I don't deceive myself into thinking I'm too important to stoop down to help another.
I am devoted to fulfill the work God has given me to do with excellence, and my joy is in doing what’s right and being myself, and not in being affirmed by others. I know that I am ultimately responsible for my own conscience.
What I plant is always the very thing I harvest. The harvest I reap reveals the seed that I planted. If I plant the corrupt seeds of self-life into this natural realm, I know that I can expect a harvest of corruption. So I plant the good seeds of Spirit-life and I reap beautiful fruits that grow from the everlasting life of the Spirit.
I don’t allow myself to be weary in planting good seeds, for I know that the season of reaping the wonderful harvest I’ve planted is coming! I take advantage of every opportunity to be a blessing to others, especially to my brothers and sisters in the family of faith!
My only boast is in the cross of my Lord Jesus Christ. In him I have been crucified to this natural realm; and the natural realm is dead to me and no longer dominates my life.
All that really matters is the transforming power of this new creation life. I have true peace and God’s delight, for I am a child of God.
The wonderful grace of my Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, flows in my spirit.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
Beautiful YouMusicMan App
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Episode 24: Galatians 5
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Today's meditation is based on Galatians 5 from the Passion Translation
At last I have freedom, for Christ has set me free! I cherish this truth and firmly refuse to go back into the bondage of my past.
There is no benefit in following religious rules, because Christ is enough. Trying to be made right with God by fulfilling the obligations of the law, would cut me off from Christ and from the revelation of grace!
I have the true hope that comes from being made right with God, and by the Spirit I wait eagerly for this hope. Religious obligations benefit me nothing. All that matters now is living in the faith that works and expresses itself through love.
I remain faithful and am not led astray. I do not turn from what is right. Jesus has enfolded me into his grace, and I do not allow even a little lie into my heart.
Deep in my heart I have confidence that the Lord, who lives in me, will keep me in the truth.
God has called me to live a life of freedom. But I don’t view this wonderful freedom as an excuse to set up a base of operations in the natural realm. I constantly love others and commit myself to serve others. My goal is to love my neighbor even as I care for and love myself.
I yield to the dynamic life and power of the Holy Spirit, and abandon the cravings of my self-life. I know my self-life craves the things that offend the Holy Spirit, and I do not want to hinder him from living free within me! And the Holy Spirit’s intense cravings hinder my self-life from dominating me!
I yield to the life of Spirit, and no longer live under the law, but soar above it!
The fruit produced by the Holy Spirit within me is divine love in all its varied expressions: joy that overflows, peace that subdues, patience that endures, kindness in action, a life full of virtue, faith that prevails, gentleness of heart, and strength of spirit.
I never set the law above these qualities, for they are meant to be limitless.
Everything connected with my self-life was put to death on the cross and crucified with Messiah. Because Spirit is the source of my life, I allow the Spirit to direct every aspect of my life. I am never arrogant, or look down on another, for each of us is an original. I forsake all jealousy that diminishes the value of others.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: UBKMUFMPSPCJUGOX
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Episode 23: Galatians 4
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Today's meditation is based on Galatians 4
When I was a child, I was enslaved under the hostile spirits of the world. But when the time of fulfillment had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law. So that he could redeem me and set me from from the law as a full, legally adopted child of God.
So I would know that I am his true child, God released the Spirit of Sonship into my heart — moving me to cry out intimately, “My Father! My true Father!”
I no longer live like a slave under the law, but I enjoy being God’s very own daughter! And because I'm his, I can access everything my Father has. I am an heir because of what God has done!
Before I knew God as my Father, I was an unwitting servant to the powers that be, which are nothing compared to God. But now that I truly know him and I am intimately known by him, why would I for a moment consider turning back to those weak and feeble principles of religion, as though I was still subject to them?
Why would I want to scrupulously observe rituals like special days, celebrations of the new moon, annual festivals, and sacred years?
I am kindhearted and have a free spirit, seeking excellence and integrity always, as the Anointed One becomes fully formed in my heart.
I have been reborn supernaturally by the Spirit--birthed into freedom! I am now a true child who inherits the kingdom promises. I am a child of grace.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
Villa MontalvoMusicMan App
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Episode 22: Galatians 3
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Today's Meditation is based on Galatians 3 from the Passion Translation
God has opened my eyes to see the meaning of Jesus’ crucifixion. He was revealed to me as the crucified one. And I have received the Holy Spirit as a gift because I believed in the Messiah. My new life began when the Holy Spirit gave me a new birth. So why would I foolishly turn from living in the Spirit and try to finish by my own works?
The lavish supply of the Holy Spirit in my life and the miracles of God’s tremendous power have nothing to do with me keeping religious laws. Rather, he is poured out upon me through the revelation and power of faith!
Abraham, the father of faith, believed God, and the substance of his faith released God’s righteousness to him. As a child of Abraham through faith, I have the same faith as my father! It is on the basis of faith that God has declared me to be righteous.
And so the blessing of Abraham’s faith is now my blessing too! I do not rely on works of keeping the law for salvation, because then I would live under the law’s curse.
Christ paid the full price to set me free from the curse of the law. He absorbed the curse completely as he became a curse in my place. Jesus Christ dissolved the curse from my life, so that in him all the blessings of Abraham can be poured out upon me. And now through faith I receive the promised Holy Spirit who lives in me.
The covenant between God and Abraham was fulfilled in Messiah and cannot be altered. I receive all the promises because of the Promised One—not because I keep the law!
The was given alongside the promise to show me my sins until the coming of the “Seed,” the promised Messiah. And Jesus fulfilled that law. The law was a jailer, holding me as a prisoner under lock and key until faith set me free. It was my guardian until Christ came so that I would be saved by faith. And now that faith has come, I am no longer under the guardian of the law.
I have become a true child of God by faith in Jesus Christ! Faith immersed me into Christ, and now I am covered and clothed with his life. I no longer see myself and others in our former state because we’re all one through our union with Jesus.
I belong to Christ, so I am now Abraham’s “child” and a true heir of all his blessings because of the promise God made to Abraham!
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: AHARKPJ3ALV0K3YP
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Episode 21: Galatians 2
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Today's meditation is based on Galatians 2 from the Passion Translation
I have not received God's perfect righteousness as a reward for keeping the law, no one does. It is only by the faith of Jesus, the Messiah! His faithfulness has saved me, and I have received God’s perfect righteousness. I know that God accepts no one by the keeping of religious laws!
Does this mean that Jesus my Messiah condones sin? Of course not! But I have died to the law so that I might live to God.
I don’t view God’s grace as something peripheral. If keeping the law could release God’s righteousness to me, then Christ would have died for nothing.
My old identity has been co-crucified with Christ and no longer lives. And now the essence of this new life is no longer mine, for the Anointed One lives his life through me — we live in union as one! My new life is empowered by the faith of the Son of God who loves me so much that he gave himself for me, dispensing his life into mine!
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: 2V2L3GUBXGKEFNQI
Saturday Oct 30, 2021
Episode 20: Galatians 1
Saturday Oct 30, 2021
Saturday Oct 30, 2021
Today's meditation is based on Galatians 1 from the Passion Translation
God’s undeserved kindness and total well-being that flow from the Father God and from the Lord Jesus are mine. He is the Anointed One who offered himself as the sacrifice for my sins! He has rescued me from this evil world system and set me free, just as Father God desired. May all the glory be to God alone, throughout time and eternity.
There is only one gospel — the good news of Christ! And I do not allow those who mingle law with grace to confuse me.
I do not try flatter others or water down the gospel to be popular with people. My supreme passion is to please God. If all I attempt to do is please people, I would fail to be a true servant of Christ.
God called me by his grace, and chose me from my birth to be his. He was pleased to unveil his Son in me so that I would proclaim him to the people of the world.
I praise God for the transformation that has taken place in my life.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
Piano SimpleMusicMan App