Meditating The Word
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Episode 291: Isaiah 12
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Today's Prayer Meditation is on Isaiah 12
Thank you, Father, God of my promise. Although I deserved your anger, you gave me grace and took me back with kindness. You comfort me.
Surely, you are my salvation. You came to rescue me. I am confident and unafraid, because I trust in you. You are my strength and my defense. You are my song. You have become my salvation.
With joy in each step, I draw living water from the springs of salvation, and drink deeply.
I praise you, Lord, and I proclaim your name. I call on your name in prayer. I tell the world what you have done for me, and declare how exalted your name is. For you have triumphed over the enemy and overcome the world.
I sing praises to you, Lord, for you have done excellent and glorious things. I'll sing your praises. Everyone, everywhere should know how amazing you are. I will spread the news throughout the world of what you have done.
I shout aloud and sing for joy. I am God-blessed. You are great, and you are here -- with me and around me.
So be it.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: SOXBDTUD3NI3EKKQ
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Episode 290: Isaiah 11
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Today's Prayer Meditation is on Isaiah 11
Father, out of the stump of King David’s family, you grew a shoot, a new branch bearing fruit from the old root. When he was baptized by John, the Holy Spirit came and rested on him—the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of you.
He delighted in obeying you. He didn't judge by appearance or make decisions based on hearsay. He gave justice to the poor and made fair decisions for the exploited.
The earth was shaken by the force of his Word. With one breath, he was able to silence the wicked. He wore righteouness like a belt and truth like an undergarment.
The day is coming when the wolf and the lamb will live together; the leopard will lie down with the baby goat. The calf and the yearling will be safe with the lion, and a little child will lead them all.
The cow will graze near the bear. The cub and the calf will lie down together. The lion will eat hay like a cow. The baby will play safely near the hole of a cobra. A little child will put its hands in a nest of deadly snakes without harm.
Nothing will hurt or destroy in your holy Kingdom, Father. For as the waters fill the sea, the earth will be filled with people who know and love you.
Jesus is the banner of salvation to all the world. Every nation will bow to him. He will establish a glorious place to live among us. He will reach out his hand again to bring back the remnant of your people, those of us who obey you and bring you honor Father.
He will raise a flag among the nations and assemble the exiles. He will gather your children from the ends of the earth.
Father, you make a way for me, just as you did for the children of Israel when you parted the seas. You will make a path that I can easily walk on foot. You will make a highway for me, just as you did for Israel long ago.
So be it.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: VJWCF2IFFJ8ALCQ4
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Episode 289: Isaiah 10
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Today's Prayer Meditation is on Isaiah 10.
What sorrow awaits the unjust judges and those who issue unfair laws. Father, you have no patience for those who deprive the poor of justice and deny the rights of the needy among your people. On the day of your judgement, they won't have anyplace to turn for help. Their treasures will not be safe.
Father, you are able to use even the wicked to accomplish your plans. You will punish the proud and arrogant.
I am not so deceived to think that I have done anything by my own powerful arm, or succeeded with plans by my own shrewd wisdom.
The ax cannot boast greater power than the person who uses it. And the saw isn't greater than the person who saws. A rod cannot strike unless a hand moves it. And a wooden cane cannot walk by itself.
You are a flaming fire that consumes all earthly glory. Holy God, you are a flame. You will devour the thorns and briers with fire, and destroy your enemy in a single night.
You will consume the glory of the wicked like a fire consumes a forest in a fruitful land. Of all that glorious forest, only a few trees will survive—so few that a child could count them!
You will cut down the proud and the lofty. They will fall to you, O Mighty God.
But I faithfully trust you Lord. You have called me and I have returned to you. You will gather your remnant together. You are the Lord of Heaven's Armies.
I will not be afraid when I am oppressed with rod and club. Your anger will arise to destroy your enemies. You have ended my bondage. You broke the yoke of slavery and lifted it from my shoulders.
So be it.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: LU13P4MEKYXEQB9V
Monday Jul 25, 2022
Episode 288: Isaiah 9
Monday Jul 25, 2022
Monday Jul 25, 2022
Today's Prayer Meditation is on Isaiah 9
Father, I thank you that my time of darkness and despair is over. My life is filled with your glory. I used to walk in darkness, but now I see your light. Your light shines over me, even when I am walking through the valley of the shadow of death.
My days are filled with joy, like that of reapers when harvest time has come.
Father, you broke the chains that had me bound, and the whip that scourged me. I live in glorious days of your peace.
Why? Because a baby was born. Your son, given to the world. He is Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.
His ever-expanding, peaceful government will never end. He rules with perfect fairness and justice from his throne. He has brought justice, and offers peace to all who will accept it.
Father, you are the God of angel armies, and you dedicated yourself to finding a way to reconcile me back to you. There is nothing for me to brag about, because this was a gift from you, Father. You showed me the error of my ways, and I repented and turned to you.
I do not follow the leaders of this world, their paths lead only to ruin. You have no joy in the wicked, and when the final judgement day comes, you will show them no mercy. You will burn up all this wickedness in a great cleansing fire that will purify and restore the earth.
But I have been redeemed. Purchased from my old lord and set free. Free to live in the light of your love for all eternity.
So be it.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: WYEICOGNBXQPDRHM
Sunday Jul 24, 2022
Episode 287: Isaiah 8
Sunday Jul 24, 2022
Sunday Jul 24, 2022
Today's Prayer Meditation is on Isaiah 8
Father, I do not reject your ways. I prepare to stand in the battle you have already won. The enemy devised his strategy, but it was thwarted. He proposed his plan, but it did not stand. For you, Father, are ever with your chosen ones.
I do not follow the ways of the wicked. I do not call conspiracy everything that others call a conspiracy. I do not fear what they fear, and I do not dread it.
You, Lord Almighty, are the one I regard as holy. I honor you, Father. I stand before you in reverence and awe. You are my holy place. And you are the stone who causes the wicked to fall. You are their trap and snare. Many of them will fall and be broken. They will be snared and captured.
But, I will wait for you, Lord. I put my trust in you.
When someone tells me to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, I just shake my head in wonder. I only inquire of you, Father. Why would I consult the dead on behalf of the living? I consult your instruction and testimony of warning.
If anyone does not speak according to your word, they have no light of dawn. Distressed and hungry, they will roam through the land; when they are famished, they will become enraged and, looking upward, will curse you, Father, their king and their God. They will look toward the earth and see only distress and darkness and fearful gloom, and they will be thrust into utter darkness.
But I will lift up my eyes to you, Father. I will follow every word that comes from your mouth. You are the light of my dawn. You provide my daily bread and living water. I do not hunger or thirst. I bless your holy name, Father.
So be it.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: TIU7VPETODXL8YAD
Saturday Jul 23, 2022
Episode 286: Isaiah 7
Saturday Jul 23, 2022
Saturday Jul 23, 2022
Today's Prayer Meditation is on Isaiah 7
Father, you have always protected your people. When the kings of Judah and Aram marched against Jerusalem, they were unable to overpower it.
Even though the hearts of Ahaz and his people were shaken as the trees of the forest in the wind, you were not worried about their plans. For you speak the end from the beginning.
You told Isaiah to take his son, "A Remnant Shall Return" and meet with Ahaz, and to remain calm and unafraid. Those they viewed as dangerous enemies you saw as only two stubs of smoldering firewood, nothing to lose heart over.
You released your Word, Father, saying It will not take place, it will not happen. But you also issued a warning, that if they did not stand firm in their faith, they wouldn't stand at all.
You invited Ahaz to ask for a sign, but he refused. But a sign was given anyway, that a virgin would conceive and give birth to a son and he would be called Immanuel -- God with us.
The hope, not only of Israel, but of the whole earth. God came to live with us, in us. You are with me still. You have promised to be with me always, even to the end of the age.
I remain calm and unafraid, Father, standing firm in my faith. I know that with you on my side, I cannot fail.
So be it.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: XZLEB4KSAPJHPPAB
Friday Jul 22, 2022
Episode 285: Isaiah 6
Friday Jul 22, 2022
Friday Jul 22, 2022
Today's Prayer Meditation is on Isaiah 6
Lord, you are high and exalted, seated on your throne. The train of your robe fills your holy temple. Above you are seraphim, each with six wings: With two wings they cover their faces, with two they cover their feet, and with two they fly. And they call out to one another:
“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.”
At the sound of their voices the doorposts and thresholds shake and the temple fills with smoke.
How can I come into your presence and live, Father. I have unclean lips and live among people of unclean lips, yet I have experienced your glory.
But you have taken away my guilt and atoned for my sin. I have been purified with your cleansing fire.
You search for someone faithful. Someone you can send to spread your message to the ends of the earth.
Here I am, Father. Send me.
People are always searching. They hear, but they do not understand. They see, but they do not perceive. Their hearts have become calloused, their ears dull, and their eyes blind. Otherwise, they would see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn to you and be healed.
Soften my heart. Open my eyes so I can see with your vision, Father. Open my ears so I can hear your Words. Open my heart so I can understand. I turn to you, Father, and I am healed.
So be it.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: RPWJGTC267PWFWMZ
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Episode 284: Isaiah 5
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Today's Prayer Meditation is on Isaiah 5
I will sing a song of my love for you, Father. For the vineyard that you planted on a fertile hillside. You carefully tended the soil, and planted the choicest vines. You built a watchtower in it and cut out a winepress as well. Then you looked for a crop of good grapes, a harvest worthy of your labor of creation.
But humankind disappointed you. There was nothing more you could have done for us. You created the earth with everything we needed to not only sustain life, but to live abundantly and prosper.
The only requirements for a good harvest were that we dressed it, and kept it, and didn't eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
But we let the enemy in. We rejected you and destroyed the hedge of protection you had built. The garden was trampled. What was once a beautiful garden became a wasteland of thorns and briers.
The people you delighted in betrayed you. You looked for justice, but saw bloodshed. You looked for righteouness, but heard cries of distress.
Though we lived house to house and field to field, with no space between us, we lived alone in the land, because we lived without you.
Father, I humble myself before you. You are exalted by your justice. You are proved holy by your righteous acts.
I respect the work of your hands. I call out evil for what it is. And I recognize good. I do not put darkness for light or light for darkness. I call what is bitter, bitter; and I call what is sweet, sweet.
I do not consider myself wise in my own eyes, Father, or clever in my own sight. The wisdom and understanding I have come from you.
I do not reject your law or spurn your word.
You have lifted up a banner for me. You called me from the ends of the earth. And I answered your call swiftly and speedily. You give me strength so I do not grow tired or stumble. I am diligent and do not slumber or sleep. My bow is strung with the arrows of your Word, Father. I am poised and ready to be victorious in battle.
So be it.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: TPHAHKQHC6BA47GV
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Episode 283: Isaiah 3 and 4
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Today's Prayer Meditation is on Isaiah 3 and 4
Father, it is well with me. I enjoy the fruit of my good deeds. But woe to the wicked. Disaster is upon them and they will be paid back for what they have done.
You set up the system of seed time and harvest, Father. I know that I will reap what I sow, so I sow good seed into rich, fertile soil, and I reap a bountiful harvest.
Father, you gave us dominion over the earth. You told us to dress it and keep it. But we turned it over to the enemy. We bowed our knee and let sin with its curses enter in.
The day is coming when you will enter into judgment against those who have ruined your vineyard, plundered the poor, and crushed your people.
But I have repented from my evil ways Father, and turned to you. I am not haughty. I do not walk along with an outstretched neck, flirting with my eyes, strutting along with swaying hip and ornaments jingling on my ankles.
Father, you adopted me as your own and called me by name. You have taken away my disgrace. And I am yours.
You are beautiful and glorious, Father. And in your mercy, you have made me righteous and holy. You washed away my filth and cleansed the crimson stains of my sins, and purged me with your spirit of judgment and fire.
You are my canopy. My shelter and shade from the heat of the day. You are my refuge and hiding place from the storm and the rain.
So be it.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: MQLGCIHRSKPXAFJB
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Episode 282: Isaiah 2
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Today's Prayer Meditation is on Isaiah 2
I come before you, Father, into your holy presence. You teach me your ways, so I can walk in your paths.
You will judge between the nations and settle disputes. We will beat our swords into plowshares and our spears into pruning hooks. Nation will no longer take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.
I will walk in your light, O Lord.
I do not believe in superstitions or practice divination or embrace pagan customs. You have blessed me, Father. There is no end to your favor and blessings.
I do not worship idols or bow down to the work of my own hands, to what my fingers have made. I humble myself before you, Father. You have redeemed me and forgiven me for my sins and transgressions.
I stand in awe of your mighty presence, and the splendor of your majesty. My eyes are humbled, and my pride is brought low. I exalt you alone, Father.
The day is coming when the proud and lofty, and all that is exalted on earth, will be humbled. All the tall and lofty cedars and oaks, all the towering mountains and high hills, every lofty tower and fortified wall, every trading ship and stately vessel. The arrogance of man will be brought low and human pride humbled. You alone will be exalted, Father.
The wicked will flee to caves in the rocks and to holes in the ground from your holy presence and the splendor of your majesty, when you rise to shake the earth.
People will throw away their idols of silver and idols of gold which they have made to worship. They will flee to caverns in the rocks and to the overhanging crags trying to escape holy presence and the splendor of your majesty, when your rise to shake the earth.
I do not trust in mere humans, who have but a breath in their nostrils. I do not hold them in esteem. No one compares to you, Father. I honor and worship you alone.
So be it.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: VJWCF2IFFJ8ALCQ4