Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Today's Prayer Meditation is on Isaiah 30
I do not carry out plans of my own, Father, but only your plans. I am led by your Spirit. I do not seek help or protection from others. I do not cling to the earthly power of great nations. You are my refuge.
Looking to anyone or anything else for protection, would only bring me shame and disgrace. The help of others is utterly useless.
I listen to your instruction, Lord. You give me visions and show me what is right. I desire your truth, not flattery or illusions. And I do not reject your message.
In repentence and rest I find salvation. In quietness and trust is my strength. I lean on you, Father. I stop my busyness and self-reliance.
You are gracious to me, Father. You rise up to show me compassion. You are a God of justice. I wait on you, and I am blessed.
I will weep no more. You heard the wound of my weeping, and you answered with grace. As soon as you heard my call, you answered me.
Whether I turn to the right or to the left, my ears will hear your voice behind me saying, "This is the way; walk in it."
I will throw away any false idols, anything I have allowed to take your place in my life. I will discard them as filthy rags.
You send rain for the seed I sow in the ground, and the harvest that comes is rich and plentiful. I rest in acres of peaceful green pastures, with brooks of clear, sweet water running through them. In that day, the light of the moon will shine as brightly as the midday sun, and the sun will shine seven times brighter than normal.
You have bound up my bruises and healed my wounds. In my newfound freedom, I sing as if it’s a festival night. With lighthearted joy, I dance my way to your holy place, to your mountain, to the Rock I can trust. Your absolute authority is unmistakable. When everyone hears your voice, your power will be obvious for all to see.
So be it.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): code: IHUKGJWDQRNCLFYE