Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Today's Prayer Meditation is on Isaiah 43
Father, you created me. You formed me. I have nothing to fear for you have ransomed me. You have called me by name. I am yours.
When I go through deep waters, you are with me. When I go through rivers of difficulty, I will not drown. When I walk through the fire of oppression, I will not be burned up; the flames will not consume me.
You are the Lord, my God, the Holy One, my Savior. You paid a precious price for my freedom. Jesus died in my place, in exchange for me, because I am precious to you. I am honored and you love me.
I am not afraid, for you are with me. You have gathered me from the distant corners of the earth because I claim you as my God. You have made me for your glory. It was you who created me.
I am your witness, Father. Your faithful servant. You chose me to know you, to believe in you, and to understand that you alone are God. There is no other God -- there never has been, and there never will be.
You are the Lord, and there is no other Savior. First you predicted my rescue, then you saved me and proclaimed it to the world. No one else could do what you have done. I am a witness that you are the only God. From eternity to eternity, you are God. No one can snatch me out of your hand. No one can undo what you have done.
You are the Lord, my Holy One, my Creator, my King. You opened a way where there was no way, just as you did for the children of Israel, making a dry path through the sea. You drew their enemies beneath the waves and they drowned, their lives snuffed out like a smoldering candlewick.
But that is nothing compared to what you are going to do. I do not revel in the past or spend my time recounting the victories of days gone by. You are preparing something new. You have already begun; it's happening now. I can see it! You are preparing a way through the wilderness. Waters will flow where there have been none. The wild animals in the field thank you, the jackals and owls too, for giving them water in the desert. There is more than enough living water to refresh my soul. Trickling springs and clear streams flow with abandon. I sing your praise before the whole world.
When I am in need, I humble myself and call upon you. I will never grow tired of you, Father. I honor you with my life as a living sacrifice. You have wiped the slate clean and erased my wrongdoing.
You have blotted out my sins for your own sake, and will never think of them again.
So be it.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
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