Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Today's Prayer Meditation is on Isaiah 58
You showed me the error of my ways, Father. Even after I said I turned my life over to you, I was steeped in religious tradition. I went to church delighted to learn about you, saying I would never abandon your laws. I would pray and ask you to take action on my behalf. I tried through my own efforts to earn a place in your presence.
I fasted, but not with the right motive, so it meant nothing to you. I might as well have been fasting to please myself. Even while I fasted, I still did wrong. I still lived in strife. I was going through the motions, bowing my head like a reed bending in the wind. Trying to earn my own salvation.
But that isn't the kind of fasting you want. You ask me to free others from the captivity you freed me from. You want me to lighten the load of those who are heavily burdened. You want me to set the oppressed free and remove the chains that bind them. You ask me to share my food with the hungry and give shelter to the homeless. To give clothes to those who need them, and to not neglect my own family.
Father, your salvation came like the warm, golden rays of dawn. My wounds were healed in an instant. Righteousness goes before me, leading me forward, and your glory protects me from behind. When I call, you answer. You are always with me.
At your word, I remove the heavy yoke of oppression. I do not point my finger at others or spread rumors. I feed the hungry and help those in trouble.
Your light shines through me out from the darkness. Even my bleakest moments will be bright as a clear day, and the darkness around me as bright as noon.
You will never leave me. You guide me continually, leading me in the way that I should go. When I feel worthless, you nourish me, giving me living water and restoring my strength. I am like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring. With your unending love and mercy, I have rebuilt the ruins of my life. I am known as a rebuilder of walls and a restorer of homes.
I enjoy your Sabbath rest and speak of it with delight as your holy day. I honor you in everything I do, setting aside my own pursuits and pleasure. I refuse to get caught up and busy with my interests and concerns. In you, I discover a joy that only you can give.
You are my delight. You give me great honor and you satisfy me with the inheritance you promised to my spiritual ancestors.
So be it.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
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