Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Today's Prayer Meditation is on Isaiah 66
Heaven is your throne, Father, and the earth is your footstool. Human hands could never build you a temple as good as that. Our most talented architects couldn't design such a resting place.
Your hands made both heaven and earth; they and everything in them are yours. Yet, you are interested in and concerned about me. You still have your eye on me.
You bless me, Father, for I have a humble and contrite heart. I tremble at your word. I do not choose my own way or delight in sin. I offer myself as a living sacrifice, with humility, and fear, and obedience.
When you call, I answer. When you speak, I listen. I despise what you despise. And in everything I do, I honor you, Father.
Some people hate me and reject me because I am loyal to your name. Though they scoff now, they will be put to shame. No matter what, I will continue to honor you. In you I find my joy.
Jerusalem, your Holy City, gave birth to a son, Jesus Christ my Lord. Through faith in him, an entire nation was born. A nation of people who worship you in spirit and truth. Though the enemy tried to prevent your salvation from coming, you would never allow this nation to not be born.
I rejoice with Jerusalem! I love her and I am glad with her. The time of mourning is over. I drink deeply of her glory as an infant drinks at it's mother's comforting breasts.
You rain down prosperity and peace abundantly. The wealth of the nations flow to your people. Like a thundering river, the riches come down. You comfort me as a mother comforts her child. I am held, carried, nourished and comforted by your unending love and compassion.
My heart rejoices and I flourish like the grass! Everyone sees your hand of blessing on my life. You brought punishment to the enemy with the fury of your anger and the flaming fire of your hot rebuke. You will judge the earth and purify it by fire and by the sword of your spirit, which is your word. I am consecrated and purified by your word and by the blood of the lamb.
You will gather all nations and peoples together, and they will see your glory. Jesus commissioned me to go in his name and spread the good news throughout the world, to those who have not heard of your fame or seen your glory. I declare your glory to the nations, Father. You will bring the remnant of your people back from every nation, appointing priests from among them.
I pity those who rebel against you, Father. They will follow their god into the lake of fire that never goes out.
As surely as your new heavens and earth will remain, so will I always be yours,with a name that will never disappear. I worship you from week to week and from month to month.
So be it.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
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