Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
You're listening to Meditating The Word. This year, we will be reading the Bible in a Year using the Blue Letter Bible 1 year chronological plan. We'll read the entire Bible in the order the events occured chronologically, using the World English Bible. If you would like a copy of the reading plan we are using, you can download a copy from You'll find a link in the notes. Subscribe to this podcast on your favorite podcast platform so you don't miss any episodes.
This is Day 11. Today we'll be reading Job Chapters 29-31.
Father God, thank you for your Word. Thank you for the example of Job's life and his faithfulness. Oh that we could live a life as outstanding as his, and be eyes to the blind, feet to the lame, father to the needy. Although he was wealthy, his confidence wasn't in his gold or riches, but in you alone, Father. And thank you for the New Covenant based on even better promises. How amazing it is to not have to ever wonder if we are good enough, or make our case before you by reciting our good deeds. Because our righteousness isn't in us or in our good deeds, but in Christ alone. You are so good to us. Thank you Father. Amen.
Please join us in our Facebook community, where I share my thoughts about the day's reading -- and I invite you to do the same. You'll find a link in the notes.
And again, thank you for joining me on this journey of reading the Bible in a Year. I can't wait to see you tomorrow as we continue our journey.
Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing.
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